Yeshua Ha Moshiach

O Blessed King Of The Universe, We Praise Your Holy Name
Blessed are You, YHWH, our Elohim, King of the Universe, Who brings forth bread from the Earth. Blessed are we, Your children, in the gift of Your Messiah, Yeshua-- Who has come down to the Earth like Manna, as the True Bread from Heaven. Our Messiah Yeshua is the True Manna, the Holy One, the Word of God made flesh. Blessed are You, YHWH, our Elohim, King of the Universe, Who has given of Your glory to flesh and blood.
Blessed are we, Your children, in the gift of Your Passover Lamb, Yeshua the Messiah-- the spotless and perfect Lamb of God-- Whose blood we have placed over our doorways and our lives, in obedience to Your will, to save us from the dark power of evil, from the black pit of death and Hell.
Blessed are You, YHWH, our Elohim, King of the Universe, Who reigns eternally as the Father of Lights and as the proud Father of Yeshua, our Messiah, Who is the Light of the World and the Sun of Heaven. Blessed are You, YHWH, our Elohim, King of the Universe, Who opens the eyes of a blind and stiff-necked humanity, allowing us to see Your glory!
Blessed are we, Your children, in the gift of Your Messiah, Yeshua. Though the Chosen People of God turned away from You in faithlessness so many times, there was one Jew among all your children, a descendent of David, Who never disobeyed You and never sinned-- Who was faithful to Your will in all of His deeds and in all of the human lifetime that He spent on Earth. Wiser than King Solomon and greater than King David, He is destined to become the King of Israel and the King of all kings! To the King of the Universe, our Elohim, we shout Hallelu-YAH!
Blessed are You, YHWH, our Elohim, King of the Universe, Who creates the fruit of the vine. Blessed are we, the children of Israel and all our many heirs, in the gift of the blood of Your Messiah, Yeshua-- which You have so wonderfully transformed into the symbolic wine of our Passover Meal. We drink of the sacrificial blood that has become wine, and we eat of the True Bread from Heaven-- knowing that Satan's powers can no longer tempt us to an Eternal Death in the darkness of unfaithfulness.
Blessed are we, Your children, as we partake of communion with You, with Your Son, and with Your Holy Spirit through the elements of our modern-day Passover celebration. As You have commanded us, so we do: "Remember Me as you eat and drink." We remember Your sacrifice of Your Own Holy Son, a sacrifice that was foreshadowed by Abraham's near-sacrifice of his son Isaac, as we eat and drink. We remember Your Messiah's blood shed upon a wooden cross, and His body broken for us...
Blessed are we, Your children, in the gift of Your Messiah Yeshua, as we break the bread of communion with You, as we drink the wine that comes from His blood. This is our Passover Meal in the New Covenant of Your Word. The bread is His broken body, and it is also the Holy Scriptures that we consume, to our great benefit and a healthy nourishment... because Your Messiah Yeshua is the Word of God and the Bread of Life. We also eat symbolically of the meat from Your Passover Lamb as we consume the meat of Your Holy Word, as we read aloud the words of your Holy New Covenant scriptures.
Blessed are we, Your children, in the gift of Your Messiah, Yeshua. Now You are able to create new fruit even in us, through our lives and our works on Earth-- as long as we remain attached to our vine, Yeshua, Who is our Divine Source. He is also the Sun of Righteousness Who gives us light and warmth, and Who ever nourishes us!
Blessed are You, YHWH, our Elohim, King of the Universe, Who has given of Your glory to flesh and blood. We speak these words of faith in the Presence of a king, as we partake of our Passover Meal-- awaiting the awesome advent which is the Return of the King, the Second Coming of our Messiah Yeshua. We speak these words in the Omni-Presence of our Divine and Omnipotent King, the King of the Universe--Yeshua our Messiah.
Blessed are we, Your children, in the gift of Your Messiah, Yeshua. He has already ascended to glory in Heaven, but soon He will ascend also to the throne of Earth. He Who is our Holy One and Who is coming back soon has declared-- has surely declared-- that He will one day take His rightful throne as the King of Israel, the King of Earth, the King of Kings. For this purpose was He born, and for this purpose did He come into our world. And He has declared to us, "Behold, I will be coming suddenly!"
Blessed are You, YHWH, our Elohim, King of the Universe, Who creates the fruit of the tree. Blessed are we, Your children, in the gift of Your Messiah, Yeshua-- Who had such a fruitful human lifetime during the years of His bodily incarnation on our planet Earth. Blessed are You, Messiah Yeshua, the Son of God Who is also God The Son, because You are the Tree of Life. When we eat from the fruit of this Tree of Life, we are granted the gift of forgiveness and an Eternal Life in the Presence of Almighty YHWH, Who is simultaneously God The Son and God The Holy Spirit.
But woe unto all those humans who are not fruitful trees during their lives on Earth, never repenting of sin, never serving faithfully the great King of the Universe, because they will be cut down, they will be removed from God's garden, and they will be cast into the fire of the Outer Darkness-- where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth!
Blessed are You, YHWH, our Elohim, King of the Universe, through Whose words everything came to be. Blessed are we, Your children, in the gift of Your Messiah, Yeshua-- through Whom You have cleansed us and made us ready for service in Your Kingdom. Through the Holy One of Israel, in God The Son, You have created all things in our Universe. Through Him, You created all of Humankind in Your own image.
Blessed are we, Your children, in the gift of Your Messiah, Yeshua. Through our recognition of Your Only Begotten Son and His sacrifice, You are able to recreate us as loyal servants made in His image-- which is a perfect and faithful representation of Your own image.
Blessed are we, Your children, in the gift of Your Messiah, Yeshua. He is the inerrant Word of God, the Holy One, the Creator of All Things, the unerring and eternal Voice of the great I AM-- the Voice of YHWH. Before He was born on Earth as the Messiah Yeshua, He was already God The Son, living in eternal co-existence within the Holy Trinity of YHWH -- unified with both His Father and with Him Who is called the Holy Spirit.
Blessed are You, YHWH, our Elohim, King of the Universe, the Father of Lights, the Father of Yeshua the Messiah, a begotten Son, of Whom You publically declared, "This is My Son, Whom I love, with Whom I am well pleased. Listen to Him." You are a proud Father in Heaven, and rightly so, since You are all Holiness and Light, and in You there is no darkness-- so You are pleased with the excellent performance of Your Son. On Earth in human form, He was never disobedient to Your will, never failing You, always faithful in all things. You sent Him into our world to save humanity from sin, death, and Hell-- and true to Your words, this righteous and obedient Son has become the Light of the Earth.
Blessed are we, Your children, when we not only hear the words of Yeshua, Your Messiah, but do them. Yeshua the Messiah did not cancel the Law of the Old Covenant, and instead He has added additional laws for us! The Messiah Yeshua has declared that "It is easier for Heaven and Earth to pass away than that one dot or serif of the Law should ever prove to fail." Yeshua declared that "The one who loves Me is the one who keeps My commandments."
Blessed are we, Your children, when we remember how You have cautioned us that "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom," and we thus turn to Your Messiah in loyalty and service before it is too late to do so. Yeshua has declared that there will come a day when it is too late to call Him "Lord, LORD," saying, "Did I not do many good works and even miracles in Your name?" On that day it is too late to call Him Lord. If we do not keep His commandments, then on the Day of Judgment He will say to us, "I never knew you, you worker of iniquity. Depart from Me into the Outer Darkness!"
Blessed are we, Your children, in the gift of Your Messiah, Yeshua, and in the hearing of His words, because He is the Word of God. The Word of God spoke, saying "Let there be light," and the Universe was created through Him. Today we speak again the words of Your Messiah Yeshua, and we know that He is the Word; when we repeat His words, we bring a great blessing into our Universe, the blessing of light in a world of darkness, and we remember that He has told us that His words cannot return to Him void of any effect. Hallelu-YAH! We bring light to our world in repeating His words!
Blessed are we, Your children, in the gift of Your Messiah Yeshua, when we love Him above all others, forsaking all idols and all the false gods... because it is only through Him that we can see the loving face of His proud Father in Heaven.
Blessed are we when we remember to love God with all our hearts, with all our minds, and with all our strength... loving the Law of YHWH and the Law of Messiah Yeshua above all other things. Our Almighty God YHWH has declared to us that "The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the Word of God endures forever." Blessed are we, Your children, in the gift of Your Messiah Yeshua, when we remember that our Messiah Yeshua has said to us, indeed, "Heaven and Earth will pass away, but My words will never pass away." Amen.
Blessed are we, Your children, in the gift of Your Messiah, Yeshua. Yeshua is our brave leader and Your Obedient Messiah, the God-Man Interface-- and we can be happy that He has a human face, a loving face by which we may obtain kinship with Him, thus gaining true favor from His proud Father in Heaven. We are brothers and sisters to Yeshua; we are His family, the Family of God, and we are blessed indeed.
Blessed are we, Your children, in the gift of Your Messiah, Yeshua... and we shall dwell in the House of the LORD forever.
-- a blessing for Israel, for the Jews, and for all the children of Abraham
written by Ken Street (Roddy Kenneth Street, Jr.)
on April 19, 2008, Saturday -- the Sabbath! -- and expanded
on April 21, 2008, while in Mount Airy, NC, US
"Do not think that I have come to destroy the Torah, or the Prophets. I have not come to destroy, but to fulfill. For truly I say to you, until Heaven and Earth pass away, not one dot or iota of the Torah shall fail until all shall be fulfilled."
-- Yeshua the Messiah, speaking in Matthew 5:17-18, as recorded by His Jewish follower Matthew, a constant companion of Yeshua and His loyal disciple, with Matthew writing in Hebrew under Divine Guidance as the hand of Almighty God.
This material (above) is Copyright 2008 by Roddy Kenneth Street, Jr. All publication rights are reserved to the author of the material, here entitled O Blessed King Of The Universe, We Praise Your Holy Name.
Personal sharing with friends and family is okay and not a real crime
of any sort. Praise God! But your parents may hold a funeral service for you and declare you dead for doing so. If this happens to you, remember that our Messiah and Savior Yeshua has declared that no one can be His disciple unless he first dies to himself and is born again in the Messiah, henceforth living only for God, loving the Messiah more than father or mother, more than brother or sister.
Yeshua says that you must be willing to lift and carry your own cross if you wish to become His follower. You must be willing to even risk being crucified in a similar way if you choose to follow Him. But it's the path of complete obedience to YHWH, His Father in Heaven (Whose Holy Name some dare to speak aloud as "Yahweh" and as "Yehovah")... and maybe it's your path too.
Then pray for your family to know the shalom of Yeshua, the Prince of Shalom. Pray also for the peace of Jerusalem, which comes only with the arrival of Messiah Yeshua in the rescue of His Second Coming.
After that, King Yeshua rules Jerusalem and all the Earth from the New Jerusalem. Hallelu-YAH!